Sunday, March 13, 2011

Converting your 10/12SI alternator to a CS-130

First, it was a fairly cheap first project. Even with buying the Napa conversion connector, a JY alternator, connectors, a soda for my son for helping, etc. It was just over $50.

Why I did this and what I was trying to accomplish was this... My normal use of my Waggy is tool around in and pull my trailer around. One of the things I do is to pull our Cub Scout float in the parades, and with the old alternator I couldn't, run the A/C, the hazards and the radio at the same time without having the voltage gauge in the red. This 4th of July it was over 90 degrees and high humidity. I was absolutely soaked driving in the parade....

The 10SI alternator is available just about anywhere in the country, so I wanted to be able to have the same thing in case I ever had a problem anywhere. The CS-130 has VERY similar availability, so I wasn't hugely concerned. But the Napa conversion plug made this an absolutely no-brainer.

I managed to find a 1991 Olds Cutlass Ciera with the 3.3L at LKQ one bright and shiny summer morning. Someone had really torn the front of the motor apart flinging parts and cutting cables left and right. The alternator was hanging there by only the one long bolt through the bracket. The head was really chewed up like they had been trying to get it off, but couldn't.
We quickly dispatched the offending bolt and rescued the alternator. When I got it off we found the part number....

The good folks at Autozone quickly confirmed that this alternator passed their tests and was the 105 amp model I wanted...

Over the next few days, I collected the rest of the parts I would need and spent less than $50 total. I was VERY surprised that my first FSJ project wouldn't need me to dip into the already depressed Jeep fund. The only thing not in the picture is some washers for the adjustment bracket bolt, as I needed to shim it out a bit to get everything lined up straight.

The lower bolt(the tensioning bolt) is a different size from the 10SI and the CS alternators.  The threads I found mentioned that the threaded connection on the alternator is 8mm x 1.25. I found that mine was 8mm x 1.00. Luckily ACE had the 1.00 pitch bolt in stock.

Here with both alternators on the work bench you can see the size difference between them.

(SI on the left, CS on the right)

Even though the CS is noticeably smaller than the SI I had to modify the adjustment bracket to get it to fit.

Also... the SI alternator has the double V-belt pulley and the CS has a serpentine belt pulley on it. So they needed to be switched.

Swapping the pulleys was a breeze. A shot of PB blaster and a hit from the impact gun and they both came off.

The SI and CS alternators use different connectors for the back of the alternator.   Napa makes a plug adaptor that makes this change as simple as plugging it in.  Its part number  Echlin EC-82.

Unfortunately, my grand plan of just plugging the connector in and keeping all the factory wiring intact came to a screeching halt when I found a taped up section of wiring to the plug....

After un-wrapping the tape to inspect the true problem, what I found led me to cut the SI connector off the Napa connector and crimp and heat shrink the CS plug on. The heat shrink isn't visible here, its slid down the wires further. If you have to do this, that small signal wire is a real PAIN to get into the crimp connector, take your time with this. You can see what I found here...

The cut off pieces on the left is what I removed. Now even though I wouldn't have the true plug and play replacement available. I did keep the end of the SI connector in the toolbox so I could add it to the road parts supply for emergencies.

I had to modify my belt tension adjustment bracket to make the CS alternator fit without it dragging on the pulley. The was no way I could remove enough material from the bracket or alternator case to make it fit and work in the stock behind the alternator location. I had to grind about 1/8 material off the top of the bracket and move it to the front of the alternator to get it to fit. Two washers put between the engine casting and the bracket was enough to get the bracket into the proper alignment.
Here is the bracket after about half a dozen trips to the grinder and mounting to the Waggy for checking alignment...

First thoughts after getting everything back together....

When I first fire up the Waggy.. the volt meter gets up to 13 volts much quicker than it did before. But driving down the road, it really doesn't show that much of a difference. I can now run the headlights/foglights(PO trashed the switches so now my fogs come on automatically when I turn on the headlights) and A/C at the same time and I don't drop down into the red on the voltmeter at stoplights.

Parts list:

CS-130 Alternator   $11.99  LKQ half-price day
Napa Echlin EC-82   $17.99  Napa
8mm x 1.00 bolt       $.59    ACE Hardware
Assorted wiring/ring terminals/butt splice connectors   $7.50
washers for shimming the adjustment bracket... parts box leftovers.[/QUOTE]

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