Friday, May 6, 2011

What we have been up to...

The weather has gotten nice around the UCBJO homestead. That brings on the outdoor activities we have spent all winter pining for...
Super Wife and kiddos got me a new Garmin Nuvi for Christmas, so I have been trying something new this spring.

Geocaching: Join in the Global Game of Hide and Seek

Its been quite the hoot, it combines driving one of our UCBJO victims, some hiking(at times) and hide and seek.

I STRONGLY suggest giving it a try if you have the opportunity. Sometimes it will surprise you. One of the members of my family I didn't expect to like is my teenage daughter. She however turned out to be the one that likes doing it the best...

Also.. for the UCBJO reader to send me a GC log and their address.. I have a little something for them..

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